Critical qualitative research/ethnography: Selected reading list.
Compiled by Barry Down, Murdoch University.
- Alvesson, M. & Deetz, S. (2021). Doing critical research. London: Sage.
- Anderson, G. (1989). Critical Ethnography in Education: Origins, Current Status and New Directions. Review of Educational Research, 59(3), pp. 249-270.
- Angus, L. (1986). Developments in ethnographic research in education: from interpretive to critical ethnography. Journal of Research and Development in Education, 20, pp. 59-67.
- Angus, L. (1986). Research traditions, ideology and critical ethnography. Discourse, 7(1), pp. 61-77.
- Anyon, J. with Dumas, M., Linville, D., Nolan, K., Perez, M., Tuck, E, & Weiss, J. (2009). Theory and educational research: Towards critical social explanation. New York: Routledge.
- Atkinson, P., & Delamont, S. (2006). In the roiling smoke: Qualitative inquiry and contested fields. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 19(6), pp. 747-755.
- Barley, R., & Russell, L. (2016). Ethnography: More than the written field note. The Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference Plenary Session, 19-21st September 2016, Oxford. (Unpublished)
- Ball, S. (2006). The necessity and violence of theory. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 27(1), pp. 3-10.
- Burawoy, M., & et. al. (2000). Global ethnography: Forces, connections, and imaginations in a Postmodern World. Berkeley: University of California Press.
- Burgess, R. (1988). Conversations with a purpose: The ethnographic interview in educational research. Studies in Qualitative Methodology 1(1), pp. 137-155.
- Cannella, G., Salazar, M., Pasque, P. (2015). (Eds.). Critical qualitative inquiry: Foundations and future. London: Routledge.
- Carmona, J., & Luschen, K. (2014). Crafting critical stories: Toward pedagogies and methodologies of collaboration, inclusion, and voice. New York: Peter Lang.
- Clair, R. P. (2003) The changing story of ethnography. In R. P. Clair (Ed.), Expressions of ethnography (pp. 3-26). Albany, US: SUNY Press.
- Cook-Sather, A. (2013). Translating learners, researchers, and qualitative approaches through investigations of students’ experiences in school. Qualitative Research, 13(3), pp. 352-367.
- Denzin, N., & Giardina, M. (2016) (Eds.). Qualitative inquiry through a critical lens. London: Routledge.
- Denzin, N., & Giardina, M. (2016) (Eds.). Qualitative inquiry – past, present and future: A critical reader. London: Routledge.
- Denzin, N., & Giardina, M. (2017). Qualitative inquiry in neoliberal times. London: Routledge.
- Denzin, N., Lincoln, Y., & Giardina, M. (2006). Disciplining qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 19(6), pp. 769-782.
- Fielding, M. (2004). Transformative approaches to student voice: Theoretical underpinnings, recalcitrant realities. British Educational Research Journal 30(2), pp. 295–311.
- Fine, M. (2018). Just research in contentious times: Widening the methodological imagination. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Foley, D. (2002). Critical ethnography in the postcritical moment. In Y. Zou & H. Trueba (Eds.), Ethnography and schools: Qualitative approaches to the study of education (pp. 139-170). Lanham, MD.: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Foley, D. (2002). Critical ethnography: the reflexive turn. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(4), pp. 469-490.
- Garman, N. (1994). Qualitative inquiry: meaning and menace for educational researchers. In J. Smyth (Ed.), Qualitative approaches to educational research. Adelaide: Flinders Institute for the Study of Teaching.
- Goodall, H. L. (2000). Writing new ethnography. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Goodson, I. F. & Gill, S. (2011). Narrative pedagogy: Life history and learning. New York: Peter Lang.
- Guajardo, M., & Guajardo, F. (2002). Critical ethnography and community change. In Y.
- Zou & H. Trueba (Eds.), Ethnography and schools: Qualitative approaches to the study of education (pp. 281-304). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Jeffrey, B., & Troman, G. (2004). Time for ethnography. British Educational Research Journal, 30(4), pp. 535-548.
- Jordan, S. (2003). Critical ethnography and the sociology of education. In C. Torres & A. Antikainen (Eds.), The international handbook on the sociology of education: An International Assessment of New Research and Theory (pp. 82-100). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
- Jordan, S., & Yeomans, D. (1995). Critical ethnography: problems in theory and practice. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 16(3), pp. 389-400.
- Kincheloe, J. (1993). Toward a critical politics of teacher thinking: Mapping the postmodern. Westport: Connecticut: Bergin & Garvey.
- Kincheloe, J. (2003). Teachers as researchers: Qualitative inquiry as a path to empowerment. New York: Routledge.
- Kress, T. (2011). Critical praxis research: breathing new life into research methods for teachers. Dordrecht: Springer.
- Lather, P. (1986). Research as praxis. Harvard Education Review, 56(3), pp. 257-277.
- Lather, P. (1993). Fertile obsession: validity after poststructuralism. Sociological Quarterley, 34(4), pp. 673-693.
- Lave, J. (2011). Apprenticeship in critical ethnographic practice. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
- Lawrence-Lightfoot, S. (2005). Reflections on portraiture. A dialogue between art and science. Qualitative Inquiry, 11(1), pp. 3-15.
- Lawrence-Lightfoot, S., & Hoffmann Davis, J (1997). The art and science of portraiture. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Levinson, B., & Cade, S. (2002). Introduction: ethnography and education policy across the Americas. In B. Levinson, S. Cade, A. Padawer & A. Elvir (Eds.), Ethnography and education policy across the Americas (pp. ix-xx). Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Levinson, B., & Sutton, M. (2001). Introduction: policy as/in practice; a sociocultural approach to the study of educational policy. In M. Sutton & B. Levinson (Eds.), Policy as practice: Toward a comparative sociocultural analysis of educational policy (pp. 1-22). Westport, CT: Ablex.
- Lund, D., & Carr, P. (2008). Introduction: scanning democracy. In D. Lund & P. Carr (Eds.), Doing democracy: Striving for political literacy and social justice (pp. 1-29). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
- Madison, D. S. (2005). Critical ethnography: Methods, ethics, and performance.
- Marcus, G. (1998). Ethnography through thick and thin. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Mills, C.W. (1983 [1959]). The sociological imagination. New York: Penguin Books.
- Shacklock, G., & Smyth, J. (1998). Being reflexive in critical educational and social research. London: Falmer Press.
- Smith, B. J. (2000). Marginalized youth, delinquency, and education: The need for critical-interpretive research. The Urban Review, 32(3), pp. 293-312
- Smith, L. (1999). Decolonizing methodologies: Research and indigenous peoples. London: Zed Books.
- Smyth, J., Angus, L., Down, B., & McInerney, P. (2006). Critical ethnography for school and community renewal around social class differences affecting learning. Journal of learning Communities: International Journal of Learning in Social Contexts, 3, pp. 121-152.
- Smyth, J., Down, B., McInerney, R., & Hattam, R. (2014). Doing critical educational research: A conversation with the research of John Smyth. New York: Peter Lang.
- Smyth, J., & Hattam, R. (2001). ‘Voiced’ research as a sociology for understanding ‘dropping out’ of school. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22(3), pp. 401-415.
- Smyth, J., & McInerney, P. (2012). From silent witnesses to active agents. New York: Peter Lang.
- Smyth, J., & McInerney, P. (2013). Whose side are you on? Advocacy ethnography: Some methodological aspects of narrative portraits of disadvantaged young people. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 26(1), pp. 1-20.
- Steinberg, S., & Cannella, G., (2012). Critical qualitative research: Reader. New York: Peter Lang.
- Sultana, R. (1992). Ethnography and the politics of absence. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 5(1), pp. 19-27.
- Swaminathan, R., & Mulvihill, T. (2017). Critical approaches to questions in qualitative research. London: Routledge.
- Uhrmacher, P., Moroye, C., & Flinders, D. (2017). Using educational criticism and connoisseurship for qualitative research. London: Routledge.
- Weis, L. & Fine, M. (2001). Extraordinary conversations in public schools. Qualitative Studies in Education 14(4), pp. 497- 523.
- Walcott, H. (1975). Criteria for an ethnographic approach to research in schools. Human organization, 34(2), 111-127.
- Walford, G. (2002). When policy moves fast, how long can ethnography take? In B. Levinson, S. Cade, A. Padawer & A. Elvir (Eds.), Ethnography and Education Policy Across the Americas (pp. 23-38). Westport, CT: Praeger.
- Willis, P. (1980). Notes on method. In S. Hall, D. Hobson, A. Lowe & P. Willis (Eds.), Culture, media and language (pp. 88-95). London: Hutchinson.
- Willis, P. (2000). The ethnographic imagination. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Willis, P. (2004). Twenty-five years on: old books, new times. In N. Dolby, G. Dimitriadis & with P. Willis (Eds.), Learning to labor in new times (pp. 167-196). New York & London: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Willis, P., & Trondman, M. (2000). Manifesto for ethnography. Ethnography, 1(1), pp. 5-16.