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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

Executive Committee 2017

The purpose of the Western Australian Institute for Educational Research is to promote educational research in the Perth community, with particular reference to supporting postgraduate research.

Dr Susan Beltman [President]
School of Education, Curtin University
Email: s.beltman@curtin.edu.au

Dr Eva Dobozy [Vice President]
School of Education
Curtin University
Email: eva.dobozy@curtin.edu.au

Dr Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis [Secretary]
Principal, Immaculate Heart College
Honorary Research Fellow, Graduate School of Education
The University of Western Australia
Email: angeliki_777@hotmail.com

Dr Gregory Hine [Treasurer]
School of Education
The University of Notre Dame Australia
Email: gregory.hine@nd.edu.au

Dr Chris Hackett [Immediate Past President]
School of Education
The University of Notre Dame Australia

Dr Roger Atkinson
[IIER website] and [WAIER Archives]
Email: rjatkinson@bigpond.com

Dr Anne Coffey
School of Education
The University of Notre Dame Australia
Email: acoffey1@nd.edu.au

Dr Helen Dempsey
School of Education, Murdoch University
Email: h.dempsey@murdoch.edu.au

Ms Veronica Gardiner [Forum Coordinator]
School of Education, Murdoch University
Email: V.Gardiner@murdoch.edu.au

Dr Brad Gobby [WAIER Website Coordinator]
School of Education, Curtin University
Email: brad.gobby@curtin.edu.au

Ms Sonja Kuzich [Research Grant Coordinator]
School of Education, Curtin University
Email: S.Kuzich@curtin.edu.au

Dr Clare McBeath
[IIER Publisher]
Email: c.mcbeath@bigpond.com

Dr Paula Mildenhall [Publicity Officer]
School of Education, Edith Cowan University
Email: p.mildenhall@ecu.edu.au

Ms Michelle Murphy [Research Seminar Coordinator]
Department of Education
Email: Michelle.Murphy@education.wa.edu.au

Dr Rosana Stout [Web page Features Coordinator]
Byford Secondary College
Email: Rosana.Stout@education.wa.edu.au

Dr Rita Tognini [Awards Coordinator]
Principal Consultant, Statewide Services Directorate
K-12 Coordination, Department of Education
Email: Rita.Tognini@det.wa.edu.au

Data source: WAIER Annual General Meeting, 25 November 2016, and Committee meetings.

  PTCWA logo  WAIER is a member of the Professional Teaching Council of Western Australia

[ WAIER Home Page ] [ President's Report 2017 ] [ President's Report 2016 ] [ President's Report 2015 ]
[ 2016 Committee ] [ 2015 Committee ] For pre-2015 Reports and Committees, see [ WAIER Archives ]
Last revised 26 Nov 2019. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/old_about/committee2017.html
Digital photos and HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]