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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

President's Report 1990

This page is WAIER's official archival copy of the
text of a printed document issued by WAIER in 1990.


President:Len King (WACAE)
Vice President:Andrew Taggart (Curtin)
Secretary:Collette Tayler (WACAE)
Treasurer:Bridget Leggett (Ministry of Education)
ACER Delegate:Len King
Committee Members:Laurence Chiang (TAFE)

Michael Heaven (Ministry of Education)

John Hattie (UWA)

Peter Larsen (Beaufort College)

Colin Marsh (SEA)

Dale Mason (WACAE)

Annette Patterson (Murdoch)

Tony Ryan (Curtin)

Dianne Spina (Ministry of Education)

Jim Tognolini (UWA)

Colin Marsh resigned his membership as of April 1990 while John Hattie and Michael Heaven were on extended leave of absence from the middle of the year. Peter Larsen, Bridget Leggett, and Tony Ryan are unable to continue as members of the Executive into 1991. To all those who are no longer on the Executive I extend the Institute's grateful thanks for their willing and generous contribution over the many years. In particular we express our thanks and gratitude to Tony Ryan who was a member of the Executive for over ten years including service as President in the period 1983-1985. We wish everyone well in their respective new work roles.


The WAIER agreed to retain the annual membership at $5.00, to be applicable for the financial years beginning July 1. The Executive has resolved that the membership fee be reviewed annually.


Financial membership stands currently at approximately 140, fully paid up. Our membership continues to grow (1989, 120) with the increase due largely to post graduate students at the tertiary institutions. Many of these students are practising teachers.


The Executive Committee has met nine times during the year. In planning the year's programme the Executive Committee has been pleased to see two developments occur in 1990.
  1. In response to a call from the 1989 AGM that some form of publishing should constitute part of the Institute's function the Executive Committee has moved to reinstate The Issues in Educational Research series. Laurance Chiang kindly agreed to be coopted on to the Executive Committee as Editor and thus far has developed the structural guidelines and procedures to run the series. The first publications will occur in 1991.

  2. Certainly across the past decade all WAIER functions have been metropolitan bound. During the year the Executive Committee sought to capitalize on Dale Mason's (Bunbury Institute of Education, WACAE) committee membership by conducting a function in Bunbury. This is organised for Tuesday, November 27, 1990, where a 'Research and....' function titled Research and Retention: School-Industry Links, will be held. Hopefully we might extend our sessions to other regional centres in the years to come.


March 13Education Public Seminar and Panel Discussion with the Hon. John Dawkins, Federal Minister, Employment, Education and Training.
May 23Research and Gender Equity in Education
June 26Research and Performance Indicators
August 24-25Fifth Annual Research Forum, Murdoch University
November 20AGM and Professor Tony Ryan, University of Notre Dame Australia
November 27Research and Retention: School Industry Links (rescheduled from September/October)

The Research Forum attracted close to 70 participants and included 42 presentations. The Forum consisted of an evening session which involved a social hour (registration), an initial opening by Professor Gordon Stanley, Chief Executive Officer, WA Office of Higher Education, a formal address by Dr Peter Taylor of SMEC, Curtin, (winner of the 1989 Early Career Award) and a dinner. The Saturday consisted of the presentations by local researchers arranged in concurrent sessions but grouped under themes. The Research Forum continues to receive excellent support from the WA educational research community and is recognized as a worthy component of the education fraternity's calendar.


The past year has seen the Council of the ACER settle into a restructured pattern. The Council of 14 members now meets four times a year. Three of those 14 members are nominations from the State Institutes of Educational Research. Alan Watson (NSWIER - 3 year term), Leo Foster (VIER - 2 year term), and Len King (WAIER - 1 year term) represented the Institutes in 1990. All State Institute representatives met as a formal Standing Committee of the ACER in April, 1990. At that meeting :
  1. Heather Felton (TIER) was elected for a three year term to take over from Len King, as at December 1990.

  2. Procedures were established as to how the three Council members would appraise other State Institutes of developments, issues, and concerns arising from Council meetings.

  3. A set of recommendations was submitted to Council as to how ACER - State Institute linkages could be strengthened, even formalized, especially in terms of how the Institutes could be used better to promote ACER.

  4. Possibilities of how the State Institutes could integrate their activities and operation were canvassed. Gypsy Durling (NTIER) referred to a possible 1992 State Institutes conference in Darwin.
Major item of ACER Council meetings across the 1990 year have included :
  1. Deliberation on the approach to the Director that he become the Director of the new Curriculum Conference established by the AEC in a joint capacity with his present role.

  2. The relocation of ACER from Hawthorne to the Monash University site.

  3. Minor amendments to the Articles of Association.

  4. Commendation to the Director and staff of the ACER for recording significant increases in non-grant incomes.

  5. Reviewing of the ACER research themes for the current second triennium. Reports of various research theme activities are now included in Council business.


As President I extend to the Executive Committee and the membership my warmest thanks and appreciation for the work and support given to WAIER. WAIER is in a period of expansion on several fronts and this reflects well on the enterprise and energy of especially the Executive. I particularly thank Collette Tayler and Bridget Leggett who have carried the essential ongoing bookwork of WAIER.

Len King
WA Institute for Educational Research

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Archival copy created 29 July 2007 by scanning and OCR. Last revision: 29 July 2007.
This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/forums/1989-93/presidents-rept90.html
Archivist: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]