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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

WAIER welcome to 1993

This page is WAIER's official archival copy of the
text of a printed document issued by WAIER in 1993.

FEBRUARY 24, 1993

Dear Members,

As the teaching year begins I thought it was appropriate that I let you know a little about what 1993 holds in store for our membership. Which reminds me of that great research in education debate which asks, is it better to know a lot about a little, or a little about a lot? Now who is ready for that one? Fortunately it no longer seems to be just a Qualitative V Quantitative issue, but stlll one worthy of debate.

I trust that your teaching, administering and research endeavours have begun well and that you are looking forward to being involved in WAIER's activities during the year. This year promises a great deal (a lot) with our first Research and... on March 16 and our last function in November, a Joint WAIER and AARE Conference (that's the Australian Association for Research in Education). As you would be aware our major function each year is the annual Research Forum in August. With AARE coming to Perth for their annual conference in November the Executive has decided to jointly arrange the conference so that our members can gain from the wide range of national and international researchers who will be attending. Rest assured that our vibrant research forum presentations and our annual awards dinner will not be lost. Mark the dates November 21 - 25 in your diary, or at least Sunday, November 21 which will be the most likely time for our forum presentations.

At our first Executive meeting of the year we decided to make 1993 a year of membership consolidation (we have 107 bonafide members) with a particular focus on meeting the needs of the growing number of graduate students at the 5 universities in WA, and ensuring the strength of WAIER's journal, Issues in Educational Research. The second edition of the Journal, which you should have received at the end of last year, was a credit to the work of our co-editors John Hall and Alison Lee. Unfortunately Alison has headed east so we need a replacement co-editor. Please let us know if you or a colleague wishes to be considered for the co-editors position, similarly if you have an article in the pipeline John Hall would love to hear from you.

If during the course of the year you have any suggestions to make that will enhance the Institute's ability to meet its members needs and raise the profile of educational research within the community please let a member of the Executive know.

I look forward to your active involvement in our activities in 1993 and hope to see you at Grace Vaughan House for the Quality of Teaching and Learning discussions on March 16.

Best wishes,

Andrew Taggart
President WAIER

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Archival copy created 9 Jun 2013 by scanning and OCR. Last revision: 9 Jun 2013.
This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/ann-reports/welcome1993.html
Archivist: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]