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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

President's Report 2010

Chris Hackett

Successful year

This year (2010) proved to be successful both financially and professionally for the WAIER. The financial statement to be reported later by the treasurer is very sound. The Annual Research Forum sustained its number around 60 participants. The journal, Issues in Educational Research continues to thrive online, and the cost savings that have ensured has benefited our financial "bottom line". Furthermore, the editorial platform of the journal has expanded and well placed to begin succession planning for new personnel - only when Clare and Roger are ready too! The Executive Committee has also grown and now has representation from each of the WA Universities. A small but significant initiative this year was to expand the distribution of WAIER Committee meetings. For the first time a meeting was held at the ECU Joondalup campus.

Change in executive leadership

The year began with a major change in the executive leadership team of the Committee. I was elected President (Chris Hackett), Susan Beltman (Vice-President), Caroline Mansfield (Secretary) and Brad Gobby (Treasurer). Though the WAIER Committee had discussed over the past few years about succession planning, this was the first year that an entirely new team took over. Only Sue had the long standing experience of managing and organising the functions of WAIER. While our beginnings may have been tentative, the team has increased in confidence. In large part this was due to the enthusiasm, organisation and dedication shown by Caroline, Brad and Sue. Truly, they made my job as President a lot easier to do as they worried and prodded me to action. I am particularly indebted to Sue for her advice and attention to detail about the proceedings of WAIER. Also to the support offered from the Past Presidents, Ian Gaynor and Phil Paioff.


WAIER could not operate with the commitment and service of the Executive Committee. Each one of you has made a valuable contribution to supporting education research in Western Australia. The positive sense of service was very evident at the Annual Research Forum. It would not have been an enjoyable, smooth running day without your organising talents and willingness to give your time to the many jobs, sometimes very menial, that had to be done. Thank you very much on behalf of all members of the Institute. At the PTCWA Award Night, WAIER was a finalist in the Inaugural PTCWA/GESB Award for Outstanding Professional Development. Also on the night, Ian Gaynor (Past President) also received a well deserved award for service to a professional association.

Sometimes service can be seem to be an unrewarding and unrecognised task by someone. I would, however, like to make acknowledgment of one person on the Committee this year that has gone about doing her role quietly, efficiently and positively. One of the roles of WAIER is to provide opportunities for educational researchers to share and engage in serious discussion about their research work. We offer that opportunity throughout the year through the Research Seminars. Eve Ruddock has been managing and organising these seminars for many years. Almost single handed at times, Eve has found speakers, negotiate times and venues and advertised these people and their topics. On behalf of the Committee, I would like to say thank you for your tireless efforts.

Priorities for 2011

I would like to propose some priorities for next year for the AGM to approve for consideration by the Committee from its first meeting in 2011:
  1. Broaden venues
    The Committee give consideration towards holding its meetings to other campuses in 2011 eg Murdoch University, Rockingham Campus.
  2. Revamp of Forum
    The Committee seek applications of interest from members who wish to organise and manage the 2011 Research Forum.
  3. Greater online presence
    The Committee investigate online avenues to expand its online presence and engage a wider audience of educational researchers.
  4. Showcase research
    The Committee investigate alternative avenues to showcase research in WA universities.

Chris Hackett
November 2010

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Created 12 Dec 2010. Last revised 12 Dec 2010. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/archives/ann-reports/presidents-rept-10.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]