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Western Australian Institute for Educational Research

President's Report 2004

Philip Paioff

The Western Australian Institute for Educational Research has enjoyed a year of significant progress during 2004. The focus of Executive's attention has been to streamline and promote our annual Forum. I am pleased to report that the 2004 Forum has been the smoothest in my 12 year involvement with WAIER. The entire executive deserves credit for a job well done. However, special mention should be made of Forum Coordinator, Jan Gray, for securing the venue, relevant technologies and rooming arrangements. Edith Cowan University (Mt Lawley Campus) must also be acknowledged for its ongoing support in allowing us to use its facilities for Forum 2004. The level of positive feedback received from participants re-affirms the prominence of WAIER Forums.

Roger Atkinson (IIER Journal Business Manager) has been tireless in his efforts to refine the journal's operational framework and worked closely with Clare McBeath, who has done an outstanding job editing and publishing the 2004 editions. Clare has also played an integral role in reformatting the journal's presentation, which proved to be both popular with readers and assisted in reducing WAIER's overheads. Furthermore, thanks to Roger's efforts as web publisher, our journal, forum program, research seminars and committee meeting updates have been placed on-line. Please visit our IIER site at http://education.curtin.edu.au/iier/iier.html.

Research Seminars [Seminars] continue to play an important role in WAIER's desire to encourage educational research and promote debate on current/critical issues. Many thanks to Eve Ruddock for her solid effort in this portfolio. The seminars attracted participants from all campuses.

WAIER is striving to broaden its membership base in order to ensure longer-term financial viability. Anthea Taylor, Eve Ruddock and Gail Chittleborough have played important roles by working hard to publicise our association. Their efforts have resulted in solid attendance at both the Forum and Research Seminars throughout 2004. Treasurer, Lina Pelliccione, has also done a tremendous job in taking care of financial business to ensure our accounts are in a healthy fiscal state.

WAIER has a commitment to recognising prospective and emerging academics. Roger Vallance, supported by Lesley Newhouse-Maiden, has been committed in his role as Early Career and Postgraduate Award Coordinator. Congratulations to all winners and may the WAIER awards continue to be held in high regard.

This year has seen the inaugural presentation of WAIER Fellowships to members who have made significant contributions to the aims of our association. Congratulations to this years winners, Associate Professor Gary Partington and Associate Professor Andrew Taggart. Special mention and thanks should go to new executive member, Ian Gaynor, for his contributions in establishing the Fellowship Award.

I'd like to thank Judith MacCallum for her work with ACER along with Zsuzsanna Millei, Sophia Elliott and Pat Forster for their contributions to both executive and our annual Forum. I look forward to their ongoing involvement in WAIER 2005.

Special thanks to Sue Beltman who continues to do an outstanding job as Secretary. Her attention to detail, follow-up and support is greatly appreciated.

I wish to extend my appreciation to all members of executive for volunteering their time to promote educational research throughout Western Australia. Your contributions have added much to the degree and early experience of many researchers, with the view of promoting better outcomes for students of our schools.

I look forward to the challenges that lay ahead and welcome new and existing members to become involved in our progressive and exciting programs.

Dr Philip Paioff

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Created 10 Dec 2004. This URL: http://www.waier.org.au/about/archives/ann-reports/presidents-rept-04.html
HTML: Roger Atkinson [rjatkinson@bigpond.com]